Whether it’s a contract, proof of certification, immigration or court documents, accuracy and transparency in the translation of documents within the field of law is of great importance.
Oxford legal translation has devoted a team of specialized and duly authorized native linguists to make sure that the quality of the translations meets the highest levels of accuracy and precision
We provide certified translation from and to the following languages

Whether you are interested in publishing your research, sharing your concepts and thoughts with collaborators around the world, or simply achieving further understanding of your academic studies, Oxford Legal Translation has made it its top priority to ensure that your visions and thoughts reach your audience in the utmost level of clarity.
That is why we have formed a team of native, well- versed academic translators to ensure that your words, knowledge, and perceptions are authentically rendered within every translation.
Oxford Legal Translation will provide you with the highest quality at affordable rates and within your time span!
Tell us what you inquire, and we will take care of the rest!
For documents with 5000+ word count, we are pleased to offer the following:

All you have to do is send us your enquiry with the email subject: TRNSBP